Nontawat Numbenchapol

Other Name: นนทวัฒน์ นำเบญจพล

Age: 41

Birthday: May 2, 1983

Nationality: Thai

Gender: Male

Nontawat Numbenchapol is a Thai film director, screenwriter and cinematographer widely recognized for his documentary work. He graduated from the Visual Communication Design Department of Rangsit University's Faculty of Art and Design. In 2013, Numbenchapol finished his first documentary film "Boundary" funded by the Busan International Film Festival and Art Network Asia. The film depicts point-of-views of local people at the Thai-Cambodia border that have never been recognized. He received the Young Filmmaker award from the Bangkok Critics Assembly. His second documentary, "By the River," about the Klity villagers affected by water lead contamination, became the first Thai film to receive the Special Mention award from the Locarno International Film Festival. His hybrid docu-fiction "#BKKY, " about Jojo, a compilation of 100 teenagers interviewed in Bangkok about their loves and dreams and coming-of-age just after graduating from high school, received the Jury Award for best feature- length film from Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg, Germany. In May 2024, for his work on "Doi Boy" (ดอยบอย), he Best Film Script at the Komchadluek Awards. (Source: MyDramaList).


List Nontawat Numbenchapol Drama

  • Ongoing
  • Completed
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